Somehow, I don't feel comfortable
I originally created this piece for gallery show in Paris in 2000. The size was planned exactly for this gallery; I measured the height of the ceiling, and made these bunnies oversized on purpose, so they seem cramped, and trapped between the ceiling and the floor.
The focus of this piece is cuteness, especially its definition in Japan.
Everybody knows about "Hello Kitty." In fact, we have lots of cute character goods, not only for kids but also for adult women. For example, there is a Hello Kitty cell phone, bed cover, silk lingerie and checkbook. There are even Hello Kitty cuff links for men. This cuteness syndrome spread not just to consumer goods but to female behavior in Japanese society, too, including ways of communication, negotiation, smiling and sexuality.
A bunny is one of the stereotyped images of cuteness: an innocent, pure, small something that should be protected. I wanted to present this cute image distorted in a way that expresses my feelings when I face my own culture. This oversized bunny I created that looks down on you doesn't seem cute anymore - it's kind of disturbing.
Another meaning of my bunny installation has to do with what we call "rabbit hutches" in Japan, which refers to our cramped housing situation in the big cities. It was originally coined by a French diplomat who visited Tokyo in early 70's. This expression remains in Japanese culture today. I wanted visually illustrate Japan's repressed lifestyle with my cute but cramped creatures.

Hå Gamle Prestegård, Stavanger, Norway, 2007

Hå Gamle Prestegård, Stavanger, Norway, 2007

Hå Gamle Prestegård, Stavanger, Norway, 2007